About Zeus WPI

Zeus WPI is the student association for Computer Science at Ghent University. Our goal is to provide a stimulating environment for motivated students looking to expand their skills by engaging in interesting real-world projects.

We organize various tech related events, such as talks by experts, hands-on coding events and introductory lectures for interesting technologies. Together we build applications for Ghent University students (Hydra), for 12urenloop and of course for ourselves.

Be sure to check out the project page!

Everybody is welcome at Zeus WPI, regardless of your academic background. What truly matters is your passion for computer science and a bit of (tolerance for) geekiness won't hurt either!

The board

The board is the oil in the machine and is the driving force behind the organization of events and projects. The Zeus WPI board in '24 - '25 is:

Mail us all at: bestuur@zeus.ugent.be
Function Name E-mail
Voorzitter Vincent Vallaeys voorzitter@zeus.ugent.be
Vicevoorzitter Hannes Klinckaert voorzitter@zeus.ugent.be
Penningmeester Rune Dyselinck penning@zeus.ugent.be
Hoofdsysadmin Xander Bil admin@zeus.ugent.be
Sysadmin Mathieu Strypsteen admin@zeus.ugent.be
Sysadmin Axel Dezittere admin@zeus.ugent.be
Event Lander De Geeter event@zeus.ugent.be
PR Tybo Verslype pr@zeus.ugent.be
Assisterend bestuurslid Jan Lecoutere assisterend@zeus.ugent.be